The 2008 Joint Meeting of the Society for Range Management and the America Forage and Grassland Council.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - 4:20 PM

A Comprehensive Framework for Determining Short-term Grazing Capacity

Ataollah Ebrahimi, Natural resources, Shahrekord University, Sahrekord university, Po.Box: 115, Shahrekord, Iran and Maurice Hoffmann, Terrestrial Ecology, Gent University, K.L.Ledeganck, 35, Gent, 9000, Belgium.

Grazing is a major element in rangeland ecosystems, determining or at least influencing many other ecosystem elements. Hence, proper utilization of rangeland through accurate determination of its grazing capacity (GC) is a pivotal issue. So far, a comprehensive method of determining GC, which assures proper utilization of rangeland, has not been developed.

This study aims to meet this need by integrating all the important determinants of GC into a model. To do so, first, the concept of GC was elucidated and dynamic of GC in rangelands was explained. After describing the limitations of the current techniques, a comprehensive literature review is given to determine all the important direct drivers of GC and their links. Using a heuristic reasoning, important GC determinants is distinguished and then a comprehensive framework for determining short-term GC is developed. Finally, the process of calculating GC by this model is formulized. We included forage accessibility, harvest coefficient, forage quality and animal requirement sub-models, which were mostly ignored in traditional methods of GC determination. By introducing these variables, we believe that the implementation of this model will ascertain economical and sustainable utilization of rangelands.

Key Words: rangeland; grazing capacity; sustainable utilization; forage quality; animal requirement; harvest coefficient; forage accessibility