Santiago A. Utsumi, Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences, New Mexico State University, PO Box 30003, MSC 3-I, Las Cruces, NM 88003, Andres F. Cibils, Department of Animal and Range Sciences, New Mexico State University, PO Box 30003, MSC 3-I, Las Cruces, NM 88003, Richard E. Estell, Jornada Experimental Range, USDA-ARS, PO Box 30003, MSC 3JER, Las Cruces, NM 88003, and John Walker, Research and Extension Center of San Angelo, Texas A & M University, 7887 U S Highway 87 North, San Angelo, TX 76901.
Targeted grazing with goats could be used to suppress one-seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma) sapling invasion if suitable grazing techniques are identified and applied. We examined the effects of stocking density and mixed grazing with sheep on utilization of herbaceous vegetation and juniper saplings (< 2m) by Boer-Spanish goats in summer and spring. The study was a 2x2 factorial with two herbivores and two stocking densities. Ten goats (Goats alone) or five nannies mixed with four Rambouillet ewes (Mixed grazing) were placed in 10x10 m plots for one day (High Density) or 20x30 m plots for six days (Low Density). Stocking rate for both treatments was 0.3 AU/ha/yr. There were two complete blocks in each season. Time spent feeding on juniper (TFJ; %) and utilization of herbaceous vegetation (UHV; %) were determined. There were no differences in TFJ (P=0.99) nor UHV (P=0.27) between seasons. TFJ varied by herbivore and density treatment (herbivore x density: P = 0.16). Goats spent more time feeding on juniper in high vs. low stocking density treatments (P=0.01), although differences in TFJ among stocking density treatments were larger in mixed grazing plots (34.4 vs. 17.7% ± 3.5) than in plots where goats grazed alone (28.2 vs. 22.2% ± 3.6). UHV was higher in low vs. high stocking density plots (67.0 vs. 59.6% ± 2.3; P=0.05) and in plots with mixed grazing vs. goats grazing alone (69.8 vs. 56.9% ± 2.4; P<0.01). High density grazing and mixed grazing with goats and sheep can increase the use of juniper by goats. Low density grazing appears to encourage selective grazing which results in more intensive use of herbaceous understory. Overall, stocking density and mixed grazing are two promising techniques to manipulate juniper and herbaceous plant utilization in targeted grazing programs with goats.